Thursday, June 25, 2009

X-Men Origins, Wolverine: MUST SEE!!!!

One of my favorite movies this year is Wolverine. I am a huge fan of the past X-Men movies and I cannot wait for more Origins to come out. In this film the audience is shown James Logan past, letting us understand where he came from and of course why he always wears that leather jacket and rides a motorcycle.

After a life fighting next to his brother Victor Creed (Liv Schrieber) and many other mutants, Logan decides to leave the group and try a stab at leading a normal life. When he is hunted down by a his bitter brother, now known as Sabertooth, he has no other choice then to join the Weapon X program in order to have a chance against his enemy.

There are many twists and turns in this movie that if you’re not paying attention you can miss a lot of the clues for the future X-Men films. Be sure to see this and the other X-Men movies, I have a feeling that the future origins will be a big part of Hollywood for the next few years.

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